
Consulting & Development

Franchise Central has a variety of services to help you grow your business into a successful and profitable franchise system

  • Franchise/Business Feasability Study
    Frachise Central can examine and determine whether your business is viable for franchising. There are many issues to consider and examine. Franchise Central will guide you through the maze and provide you with the positives and negatives that may impact your business before embarking on the franchise alternative.
  • Franchise System Development and Documents
    Once your objectives are set and clear for the franchise system, Frachise Central can prepare the complete system and structure for you to effectively manage and develop a network of franchise operators. The necessary documents can be prepared that will reflect both a commercially realistic and legally binding agreements while complying with the Federal Government Mandatory Code of Conduct. This will require the preparation of
    * Franchise Profile (marketing) brochures
    * Franchise Disclosure Documents
    * Franchise & License Agreements
    * Franchise Recruitment, Selection Procedures & Paperwork
  • Operations & Procedure Manuals
    These manuals detail the daily operations and requirements of the business are critical to the success of any franchise. These documents are essential and critical to the effective training and management of franchisees. Franchise Central documentation is in simple English and complies with Best Practice standards and the Code of Conduct.
  • Initial & Ongoing Training
    Getting started on the right foot and continuing to develop the quality and skills of your group can never be over emphasised. Franchise Central provide the necessary training programs and assistance to help develop your human resources within your network. Whether it is on an individual franchise basis or involvement in your regular franchise group meetings.
  • Franchisee Performance Evaluation
    Franchise Central can assist in the ongoing evaluation of individual franchisees and the performance of their franchise business.
  • Review and Evaluation of Existing Businesses and Franchises
    Existing franchises have requested Franchise Central on many occasions to become involved in updating, reviewing and advising on their existing businesses, thereby maintaining the integrity of the franchise businesses.
Free Franchise Feasibility